What is inorganic?
Inorganic compounds are simple compounds which contain carbon. Salts of inorganic cations including carbonates, cyanides, cyanates, thiocyanates and carbides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide are some examples for inorganic compounds. There are so many everyday inorganic compounds such as water, salt (sodium chloride), baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), dietary calcium source (calcium carbonate), industrial grade hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid). Some examples for inorganic nutrients in food are potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulphur, iron, selenium and zinc.
What is organic?
Organic nutrients contain carbon in their structural makeup. Energy providing compounds such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids and vitamins are referred to as organic nutrients.
What is Organic food?
Organic food items are produced without using synthetic products in its production. Chemical fertilizers and pesticidesare examples for such synthetic products. This method is known as organic farming and it starts at the ground level in its farming process. Farmers do not use any petroleum based fertilizer, chemically altered materials or pesticides throughout the production. Instead they use natural materials such as cow dung, cow urine, manure, compost, insecticidal soap or neem oil. Also, organic food cannot be genetically altered in any way. Traditional methods including selective breeding techniques and hand pollinationcan be used to accomplish changes in plants since these techniques are still certified as organic. In order to list food as organic, producers are required specialized certification. As an example, in the United States both the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990and Title 7, Part 205 of the Code of Federal Regulationslist the specific standards required for labeling food as organic. So, it is clear that organic food is different from natural food or private gardening. Here the food itself and all the food production methods used are referred to as organic.
What is Non-organic food?
Non-organic food is any food that has been produced using synthetic products in its production including chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Other than that genetically modified food is also considered as non-organic food. This can be done through modifying food items at a molecular level or genetic level. As an example, hardier and tastier plant strains, drought resistant and high yield seeds can be developed by genetic modifications. In the United States, non-organic food is regulated by the Food and Drug administration and also they determine the acceptable levels of synthetic products that food products can contain.
Difference between Organic and Non-organic food
Previously, it was believed that there is not a large difference between these two since they are very similar in their look and most often the taste is similar too. But actually, in most of the cases, organic food can be smaller in size when compared with non-organic food since it is not grown using synthetic fertilizers or artificial growth promoters. And also, organic food may not be as shiny as non-organic food as it is nor sprayed with colours or chemicals. Collectively size, shape, taste and texture is consistent in non-organic fruits and vegetables. But in organic fruits and vegetables a large diversity can be seen in such characteristics. It is said that both organic and non-organic food contains the same amount of nutrients including vitamins and minerals. But there is evidence that organic food may contain more antioxidants, vitamin C, minerals such as iron, magnesium and phosphorus than non-organic food. The main difference between them is typically, organic food contains less pesticides, less multi-drug resistant bacteriaand no genetically modified organisms when compared with non-organic food. This means, organic and non-organic food is differentiated by their farming processes, not by their chemical makeup. Furthermore, organic food is free from contact with non-organic food in order to ensure that pesticides or other chemical materials do not rub off on organic food. So, non-organic food is packaged and shipped separately from organic food. Organic food has a less shelf life and also it may contain small worms like organisms since pesticides or fumigation of any chemicals are not used in their production or storage process.
Pros and cons of Organic food
- Not only the food itself, but also the organic farming process is good for the environment.
- Most importantly, less waste is produced through organic farms and also they use less energy.
- As mentioned before, potentially harmful synthetics are not used in the organic food production process. So, both consumers and local wildlife are benefited by limited exposure.
- Further, it is said that organic food is more nutritious than non-organic food.
- Organic food tastes better than non-organic food.
- There is a belief among most people that organic food is safer than non-organic food. But a lack of scientific evidence exists supporting this hypothesis. So, still this is an argument against organic food consumption.
- The Food and Drug administration regulates and determines the acceptable levels of synthetic products that non-organic food products can contain. So, the food does not cause any health issues since it contains a limited amount of pesticides.
- Organic food is more expensive than non-organic food as a result of the increased production cost involved in the organic food production process.
Pros and cons of Non-organic food
- Contamination with some dangerous toxinsand bacteria can be controlled by the synthetic products used in non-organic food production. This suggests an idea that the trace amounts of pesticides are less harmful compared with the natural toxins in organic food.
- Non-organic food is cheaper than organic food.
- Non-organic food gives high yields. So, it can be used to feed poor people in the world cost effectively.
- Nutrients levels in non-organic food are standardized. So nutrients in the same food item do not vary when compared with organic food.
- Long term effects of the synthetic products used in non-organic food are not evaluated yet.
- These synthetic products do a long term damage to the land including making the land less fertile.
- Non-organic food is typically less nutritious than organic food.
Examples for organic food
- Organic milk & dairy
- Organic eggs
- Organic fruits and vegetables
- Organic bread
Organic milk dairy

The main key differences between organic and non-organic milk include,
- Animal welfare
- Diet
- Fewer additives and preservatives
- Antibiotic use
Organic milk is taken from cows which are truly free range. They should have space and access to the outdoors as possible. They must be fed a natural diet which contains grass whereas non-organic cows are fed with genetically modified animal feed (GM feed) that is prohibited under organic standards. And also organic cows are fed a minimum of 60% forage while non-organic cows are given more concentrated feed. As a result of this organic dairy has lower yield. Organic cows have never received any type of added hormones. Since all milk contains natural hormones such as growth hormonewhich is produced by the cow, it is important to have added hormones in order for milk to be non-organic. And also toxic ingredients, GM ingredients, hydrogenated fats, artificial colourings and preservatives are not used when producing organic milk. Other than that these cows never have been treated with antibiotics and wormers.
Health benefits of organic milk
- Highly nutritious which supplies energy (significant amounts of protein and micronutrients).
- Contains milk fat (one of the most complex food fats) and approximately 400 different fatty acids.
- Contains high-quality protein including all the essential amino acids needed by human.
- Richest source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in human diets.
- Widely available source of calcium and phosphorus.
Organic eggs

There are five key differences between organic eggs and conventional eggs. They are,
- The way chickens are treated
- What they are fed
- Use of antibiotics
- The size of the flock
- The amount of space, and type of environment animals have
Organic eggs are taken from chickens which are fed only organic feed. This does not contain animal by-products, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or any other chemical additives. And also genetically modified food cannot be used to feed chickens and they should not be given antibiotics (other than in an infection), hormones, or other drugs in the process of organic egg production. The chickens should live in cage-free environments and they should have the ability to reach the outdoors. Other than that only natural molting is allowed to occur in chickens laying organic eggs.
But organic eggs are known to be more expensive than commercial eggs. The reason for this may be due to the extra expenses required to receive the organic certification from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Free range eggs are different from organic eggs since free range chickens might be fed by non-organic feed, antibiotics or other drugs. Other than vegetarian eggs, antibiotic-free eggs, all natural-eggs are different from organic eggs because their standards are not the same.
There is little difference between organic and conventional eggs when it comes to macronutrients. There is no difference in the amounts of protein, carbohydrates and some fats between organic and conventional eggs. But still there is no evidence to prove that organic eggs contain less cholesterol than conventional eggs. The studies have found that organic eggs contain more micronutrientsthan conventional eggs. As an example organic eggs have three times more omega-3 fatty acidswhen compared with conventional eggs. And also, organic eggs contain 40% more vitamin Aand twice as much vitamin E. As mentioned before organic eggs do not contain any antibiotic residues.
When it comes to the taste, organic eggs do not always taste better. It cannot be said organic eggs taste better just because they are organic when compared with their non-organic competitors.
Organic laying chickens have been given the gold standard by Compassion in World Farming (CIWF)which is certified by Soil Association. This is considered as the highest standard of any farming system in the United Kingdom.
Health benefits of organic eggs
- Contain high amount of vitamins
- Good for the heart and eyes
- Help in weight management
- Feed the brain and liver functions
- Promote healthy skin

Organic fruits and vegetables

Organic fruits
1/. Grapes
Organic grapes are grown without synthetic fertilizers. It protects the environment and preserves the soil as well. There are so many benefits in consuming organic grapes. Most importantly, they are full of antioxidants(resveratrol) and nutrients. And also they contain fiber and a low calorie food. So, organic grapes may reduce the risk of heart attack. Grapes are highly nutritious since they contain several important nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein , fat, Vitamin C, K and B6. Other than that they contain minerals including calcium, potassium, phosphorus, copper and manganese. Furthermore, organic grapes can be used in organic wine production. Organic winegrape production is known as a system which benefits the establishment of a rich microbiota which further contributes in winemaking. The produced wine is also referred to as organic if no sulfur and no commercial yeast is used throughout the production procedure. Such practice will impact in producing quality wine.
Health benefits of organic grapes
- Aid in blood clotting and healthy bones.
- Important for connective tissue health.
- Help repair the damage to the cells caused by free radicals.
- Help protect against certain types of cancers (breast and colon cancers).
- Lower blood pressure.
- Reduce cholesterol level by decreasing cholesterol absorption.
- Decrease blood sugar level and protect against diabetes.
- Protect against common eye diseases.
- Improve memory, attention and mood.
- Protect against certain bacteria, virus and yeast infections.
- Slow down aging and promote longevity.
2/. Apples
Apples are one of the most highly contaminated crops regarding pesticides. These pesticides adhere to the peel and even seeps into the core because of the concave shape near the stem. According to the records of USDA, pesticides showed up on 98 percent of the more than 700 apple samples tested. It is said that apples contain more fiber in their peel. But the problem is, that is where all pesticides end up. So, in order to avoid pesticides, organic apples are the way to go since organic apples are grown without using pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or preservatives. Through studies it has been shown that conventionally grown apples have the same nutrients as organically grown varieties. Also, it is the same with regular apple juice and its organic form. There are not any significant nutritional differences between them. But there is an unbelievable taste difference between organic apples and conventionally grown apples. This may be due to how and when the fruit is harvested during their lifecycle. Further, organic apple is known as one of the most affordable fruits available during its prime season (Fall/Winter). And also, organic apples are great for cooking and baking.
Health benefits of organic apples
- Contain high fiber content
- Low in sugar
- More filling and help to sustain energy longer
- Contain probiotics that can promote gut health
- Alleviate allergies
- Rid the body of unwanted toxins and excessive heat
- Contain malic acid which aids in teeth whitening
- Boost the immune system
- Lower the risk of Alzheimer’s and increase memory through producing acetylcholine.
- Prevent cancers through high levels of vitamin C and fiber
3/. Strawberries
According to the USDA records, more than 90 percent of strawberry samples tested were positive for residues of two or more pesticides and according to the records of FDA one of 38 strawberry samples was tainted with excessive pesticides in 2017. So many hazardous chemicals are used on strawberries. They may cause to cancers, reproductive and developmental damage, hormone disruptions and neurological issues. Some of those hazardous chemicals are carbendazim and bifenthrin. Other than that strawberry farmers use high volumes of poisonous gases to sterilize their fields. This is done before planting inorder to kill every pest, weed and other living thing in the soil. These toxic gases are called fumigants and methyl bromide is known as the most notorious strawberry fumigant. Organic alternative has been introduced replacing fumigation in organic strawberry production. This combines the traditional tool of crop rotation, which controls the buildup of pests and pathogens as well as composting. This method is also identified as effective as fumigation, and farmers report that it does not cause for any loss in crop yield. Inorder to avoid pesticides and soil injected with poisonous gases, it is better to buy organically grown strawberries. Organic strawberries are more expensive, compared to the conventionally grown variety. But the price of organic strawberries is expected to drop since more farmers turn away from pesticides and fumigants. Strawberry is a highly nutritious fruit which contains minerals such as manganese, potassium and vitamin C.
Health benefits of organic strawberries
- Protect heart
- Increase HDL cholesterol
- Lower the blood pressure
- Protect against cancer
- Packed with vitamin and fibers
- Contain high level if antioxidants (polyphenols)
- Fat free, sodium free, low calorie fruit
4/. Pears
Organic pears are produced according to the strict organic regulations of USDA which only allow approved substances for control of pests and to replenish soil nutrients. They are grown without using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides. Production techniques for organic fruit are often more labor-intensive and costly. Organic pears production differs from conventionally grown pears production in 3 aspects. They are fertilizing, controlling pests (codling moths) and controlling common diseases (fire blight). Pears are often eaten with the skins where the pesticide can linger. It has been proven in studies that organic pears have more antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin K and copper than conventionally grown pears. They also contain small amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and folate. They also have more polyphenols which give health benefits. Organic pears have higher water content than conventionally grown pears which helps keep stools soft and flushes the digestive system of toxins. And also they are tastier than conventionally grown ones.
Health benefits of organic pears
- Reduce inflammation and blood pressure
- Fat free, cholesterol free fruit
- Support weight loss
- Reduce risk of diabetes
- Boost heart health
- Offer anticancer effects
- Promote healthy bowel function
- Encourage detoxification
- Fight against free radicals
- Aid in normal metabolism and tissue repair
Organic vegetables
1/. Tomatoes
Organic tomatoes are grown in inspected farms or greenhouses according to organic standards. These tomatoes are synthetic pesticides and fertilizer free. Instead organic farmers spray alternatives to control pests and ensure healthy soil. And also they use biological control methods like compost. Organic tomatoes are grown in soil rather than hydroponically. It has been found that organic tomatoes are richer in certain antioxidants than conventionally grown tomatoes which help fight several diseases. And also they are more juicy and sweeter than conventionally grown ones. They are especially high in antioxidants such as lycopene, beta carotene, naringenin and chlorogenic acid. Lycopene is a plant compound linked to improved heart health, cancer prevention, and protection against sunburns. Beta carotene is converted into vitamin A in your body. Naringenin is a flavonoid which decreases inflammation and protects against various diseases. Chlorogenic acid is another powerful antioxidant compound which lowers blood pressure in people with elevated levels. And also organic tomatoes contain vitamin C, folate (vitamin B9), vitamin K and potassium. Organic tomato is highly nutritious which is rich in carbohydrates and fibers.
Health benefits of organic tomatoes
- Improve skin health
- Lower heart disease risk
- Prevent cancers
- Improve vision
- Aid digestion
- Lower hypertension
- Manage diabetes
- Prevent gallstones
- Help prevent emphysema
- Boost the immune system
- Help with the gum diseases gingivitis and periodontitis
2/. Cucumbers
Both the organic and non-organic (conventionally grown) cucumbers are coated with wax to preserve moisture. The difference is that the organic cucumbers must be coated with non-synthetic wax, while conventionally grown cucumbers can use synthetic waxes. And also organic cucumbers cannot contain any pesticide, synthetic fertilizer or herbicide prohibited by the USDA under organic labeling laws. But conventionally grown cucumbers contain a number of pesticides on the skin. Farmers use traditional farming methods when growing organic cucumbers under the supervision of agencies recognized by USDA. Cucumbers are a very good source of vitamins such as vitamin A and C, minerals such as potassium, magnesium, manganese, silica, folate and dietary fiber. Organic cucumbers are high in quality, firm, well shaped, free of spots and yellowing. It is important not to stack organic cucumbers with non-organic ones.
Health benefits of organic cucumbers
- Promote hydration
- Aids in weight loss
- Lower blood sugar
- Support regular bowel movements
- Support bone health
- Prevent cancers by stopping cancer cells from reproducing
- Prevent cardiovascular problems
- Control and prevent diabetes
- Have anti-inflammatory properties
- Promote skin care
- Improve brain health and memory
3/. Spinach
Organic spinach is grown according to the USDA regulations without using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides. Further, it does not contain any artificial colours or preservatives, no routine use of antibiotics and no genetically modified ingredients. Farmers use environmentally friendly traditional farming methods to grow organic spinach. When compared with traditional spinach, organic spinach is tastier. Conventionally grown spinach has high levels of bacteria contamination such as Salmonella sp. But some studies have found that organic spinach has lower levels of such bacteria contamination. Organic spinach is highly nutritious and loaded with antioxidants. Most importantly it is high in insoluble fiber and has a high iron content as well. It is critical for red blood cells to function which helps in transporting oxygen around the body to produce energy. Other than that organic spinach contains vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and folate. It also carries significant amounts of manganese, magnesium, and vitamin B2.
Health benefits of organic spinach
- Improve bone health
- Good for eyes
- Promote heart function
- Support a healthy immune system
- Give energy to the body
- Reduce oxidative stress
- Help prevent cancers
- Reduce blood pressure levels
- Manage diabetes
- Prevent asthma
- Promote digestive regularity
- Improve skin health
- Promote healthy hair
4/. Bell peppers
Organic bell peppers are grown in farms which follow the strict guidelines set up and enforced by the USDA and other organic monitoring agencies. The main difference between organic and conventionally grown bell peppers is that organic ones are forbidden from using any chemical-based fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. All products used during bell pepper cultivation must be organic and those farms are inspected to ensure they comply with these requirements. Even though conventionally grown bell peppers often contain residues of chemicals after the food is harvested, organic bell peppers protect the body from potentially harmful chemical residues that may remain on vegetables using conventional farming techniques. Organic bell peppers lower the amounts of toxic pesticides in the body and halve the levels of bisphenol A and phthalates. Both of them alter body hormone levels. Bell peppers are mainly made up of water and carbs. Most of the carbs are sugars, such as glucose and fructose. Bell peppers are also a decent source of fiber. Bell peppers are an excellent source of folic acid, antioxidants, fiber, iron, vitamin A and C.
Health benefits of organic bell peppers
- Improve eye health
- Reduce risk of several chronic diseases
- Prevent anemia
- Protect against cardiovascular diseases
- Prevent cancers
- Support the immune system (reduce the redness and swelling)
- Improve skin health
- Ease the common cold
- Sooth and balance the stomach
- Support blood circulation
- Promote healthy lipid profiles
- Control body weight
Organic bread
Organic bread contains organic ingredients which are grown without the use of pesticides (such as glyphosate), GMOs, synthetic fertilizers (synthetic nitrogen fertilizers are banned under organic standards), sewage sludge or ionizing radiation. To be referred to as organic bread, there should be organic ingredients at least up to 95 percent of the entire product (since ingredients such as water, salt and baking soda are not organic). Once these requirements are fulfilled the product is certified as organic for ingredients, processing, storage and labelling by the USDA.
When compared with traditional bread, organic bread is more nutritious. It contains vital nutrients which help the body digest the food easier, increase mineral absorption, antioxidants (selenium and vitamin E), vitamin B and C. Vitamin B is essential for the body to convert food into energy efficiently. Vitamin E and selenium protect cells from damage by toxic substances including smoke pollution. Furthermore organic bread does not contain GMOs, preservatives, shortenings or any other artificials (favours, colours). Organic bread tastes and smells better than conventional bread. There are two main reasons for this. First, normally organic bread does not go through extensive manufacturing processes. As a result of that the nutritive value of the ingredients can be retained a lot. Second, organic bread does not contain additives (azodicarbonamide, calcium propionate, DATEM), preservatives (like sodium benzoate, aspartame and tartrazine), or any other synthetic ingredients which can be damaging to the microbiome. The shelf life of organic bread is shorter than conventional bread since it does not contain additives like calcium propionate. It is very clear that organic bread is better for the environment as well as for the body.
Health benefits of organic bread
- Contains fewer preservatives and additives
- Made with nutritionally dense ingredients
- Helps in improving digestion
- Less likely to cause problems in the gut
- Gentle for body systems and better for the body
- Aids in weight loss
- Helps to protect against type two diabetes and certain cancers
- Helps body’s immune system
Organic farming process

The farming methods are also under the guidance and monitoring of the National Organic Program (NOP) of the USDA to ensure they follow all regulations.
Steps of organic farming
- Crop rotation
- Prohibition of GMO
- Use of resistant crops
- Increasing genetic diversity
- Green manures and legumes
- Recycled crop wastes
- Using natural pesticides
- Good animal husbandry
- Careful use of water resources
- Right soil cultivation at the right time
Organic farming certification
Organic certification is a process certification given for producers of organic food and other organic agricultural products. Generally, any business directly involved in food production such as seed suppliers, farmers (crop, livestock), food processors, retailers and restaurants can be certified through this process. Requirements to be certified as an organic product vary from country to country. This generally involves a set of production standards for growing, storage, processing, packaging and shipping. Some of them are,
- Prohibition of synthetic chemical inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, food additives, etc. and genetically modified organisms.
- Use of farmland which has been free from chemicals for a number of years (often, two or more).
- Keeping detailed written production and sales records (audit trail).
- Maintaining strict physical separation of organic products from non-organic products.
- Undergoing periodic on-site inspections.
Purpose of certification

Nowadays a growing worldwide demand for organic food can be seen. Organic certification addresses this demand and it assures quality and prevents fraud. This is advantageous for both organic producers and consumers. For organic producers, organic certification identifies suppliers of products which have been approved for use in certified operations. For consumers, “certified organic” gives the product assurance. Mainly organic certification regulates and facilitates the sale of organic products to consumers.
1. USDA organic label
USDA certified food as organic when they are grown and processed according to federal guidelines addressing factors such as soil quality, animal raising practices, use of additives, pest and weed control. So, organic producers use natural substances and follow physical, mechanical or biologically based farming methods to the fullest extent possible.
USDA organic standards specify additional considerations for multi-ingredient food processing. Prohibition of organically processed foods from containing artificial preservatives, flavors or colours and requirement of organic ingredients with some minor exceptions.
Some packaged products indicate that they are “Made with organic”. This means they contain at least 70% organically produced ingredients. Most importantly the remaining non-organic ingredients are also produced without using any prohibited practices such as genetic engineering. But still it can include substances that would not otherwise be allowed in 100% organic products. So, “Made with organic” products will not bear the USDA organic seal. But they should still identify the USDA-accredited certifier as with all other organic products.
It is important to be familiar with the USDA organic label and understand its claims as consumers. So, they can make decisions about the food they purchase. While there are many marketing claims which add value to foods, USDA organic label assure a particular product is verified organic at all steps between the farm and the store.
2. Non GMO certification
The NGPS (Non-GMO Production Standard)ensures that ingredients in products are not genetically engineered by the use of modern biotechnology. This NGPS logo further guarantees the quality of the product.
The certification applies at all levels of the supply chain including organizations involved in cultivation, production, processing, storage, distribution, logistics and/or trade. There is a list of requirements that leads to a strong system of internal and external verifications at the facilities that produce/process the (end-)product. The Management System (MS) shall have a documented sampling plan that is based on the MS and the associated risk assessment. The genetically engineered material content of a sample is assessed by performing tests in laboratories. Then those foods are certified with ISO 17025according to the specific activity of genetically engineered material testing. Companies in compliance with the NGPS may also claim ‘Certified Non-GMO Production’ on the product label with reference to the NGPS. To the approved organic standards belong EU organic, NPOP (National Programme for Organic Production) USDA organic and IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements)based organic standards.
3. Free range certification
The term “free range” means that the food is from animals that have access to outdoor spaces to graze or forage for food. But still there are no government regulations in the USA to ensure these requirements. So, it is important for producers to be clear about the meaning of free range food. An important thing is, even though all organically raised food is automatically free range, all free range food is not necessarily organic. Free roaming, cage free, and pasture raised are some of the other words that can be used in the place of free range.
According to the USDA the term “free range” is only for chickens and not for eggs or for other livestock, such as cattle. And also, in order to be introduced as free range, chickens must be allowed access to the outside. This means that the chickens live most of their lives outdoors or if they are allowed outside, it is just for a few minutes each day. But the free-range label on some food products is legally meaningless because the USDA rules for free-range products don’t apply to other animals or even to eggs. As a result of this producers can use the label in whatever way they want.
If consumers want truly free-range food, they should consider buying certified organic products because the definition and enforcement of the USDA on the term “free range,” certified organic products must meet stringent criteria. As an example, if a farm falsely claiming free-range status for its chickens will not have penalties and fines like a farm falsely claiming organic certification.
Understanding GMOs
There is an ongoing controversial debate on the effects of GMOs on health and the environment. In most cases, GMOs are engineered to make food crops which are resistantto herbicides or to produce an insecticide. As an example, most of the sweet corn consumed in the USA is genetically engineered to make them resistant to the herbicide Roundup and to produce its own insecticide called Bt Toxin. Other than that GMOs are also commonly found in crops such as soybeans, zucchini, papaya, canola, and also can be seen in many breakfast cereals and much of the processed. If a food package includes corn syrup or soy lecithin as its ingredients, there is a high chance of containing GMOs in it.
GMOs and pesticides
The use of toxic herbicides has increased 15 times since GMOs were introduced. Take Roundup (Glyphosate) as an example. The World Health Organization (WHO)has announced that glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans,”. But there is still some controversy over the level of health risks posed by the use of pesticides.
Are GMOs safe?
Even though the USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA)and the biotech companies that engineer GMOs insist they are safe, many food safety advocates point out that long term studies have not ever been conducted to confirm the safety of using GMOs. And also some animal studies have indicated that consuming GMOs may cause very adverse effects in the body including internal organ damage, slowed brain growth, and thickening of the digestive tract. Other than that GMOs have been linked to increased food allergies and gastro-intestinal problems in humans as well. Many people think that altering the DNA of a plant or animal can increase the risk of cancer but according to the research so far, it has proven inconclusive.